Sunday 1 March 2015

The Future of Icewolf Chastity

STOP PRESS - Google appear to have reversed the decision described below, and other sites confirm this. Not early enough to stop me posting this post (and I will leave it here just in case, though I have dropped the "unfortunately we have to move" from the title), but at least early enough so I didn't waste time packing everything up for a move of house - sometimes it pays off to be that lazy guy. Original post follows:


It is with great sadness that I report - as you may have seen from other sources and in at least one comment to my posts - that Google have decided to close down all blogs dealing with adult content. It's a disappointing decision from a company that I had never previously considered to be likely to fall prey to the wowser movement. I initially chose to start this blog on Google because I thought their general approach and policy made this kind of interference unlikely, but unfortunately it appears I was wrong - I hope it is not a sign of things to come.

I have not yet decided what to do with the existing content of this blog and how to continue posting. I have all the content of this blog stored externally and can repost anywhere else at will so I don't need to do any emergency archiving from this site, but I am sure you will be aware that any move will require a fairly large expenditure of time to get it done no matter what site I move to. I would like to move the entire archive of previous posts to a site where I can continue posting, rather than have a temporary archive such as ptathuk appears to be using.

I am open to suggestions of where to move to. Essential are the following:
  • free
  • has no problem with adult content
  • allows large amounts of data
  • allows large amounts of pages
  • allows image uploads 
  • is simple to use for the simple text and jpgs (up to 1.1Mb) I post.

Ideally I would also like a place that allows a small amount of unobtrusive advertising (perhaps I should have seen the writing on the wall with Google because they used to send me lots of emails telling me how to 'monetise' my blog, and then mentioning only in the small print rather primly that they didn't permit advertising on adult blogs, thus rendering the whole monetizing concept moot). Now I recognize that most of you would prefer to avoid advertising, but I do create these captions for currently no financial return (I turned down an offer from a commercial competitor), and I think it is possible to perhaps have some advertising on a side panel that does not interfere with the central thrust of the blog, while still allowing me to gain the odd few dollars from referrals to relevant commercial sites. This site gets near 2000 pageviews per day, which is not bad considering I have never made any effort to advertise it, so advertisers might show some interest, especially as the topic I work on is so specific that it makes advertising quite targeted.

The blog will close - along with all adult content on Goggle Blogger - on 23 March 2015. I will keep up my weekly posting until then, and make a decision where to go. I will try to stay under the simple name of 'icewolf chastity' at whatever destination I end up at.

Thank you for those who have provided feedback throughout the life of this first version of the blog; I would be more than happy to hear suggestions on what I should do at this stage. 

1 comment:

  1. Hola!!
    Yo soy seguidor tuyo desde EspaƱa. para cambios siempre hay sitios. tumbrl o worlpress..etc..etc..
    SI al final decides cambiarte avisanos y te seguiremos...
    Animo, tus captions son excelentes!!
